Monday, January 12, 2009

Step1/ Web 2.0

OK, here it is. I have looked all around and read a lot about web 2.0. I have added gadgets to my blogpage, gotten a gmail account and set up my igoogle page. Oh what fun!
What I gather about 2.0 is its really just all the applications out there in cyberspace that we can make use of. Which boggles my mind. All this "stuff" out there.. and the ways of accessing just what is needed at any given time!
Its way cool, and slightly beyond my comprehension. So, excuse me, while I go forth and expand my mind a bit more.


  1. OMG. I love igoogle. Wait 'til you get going with Google Notebooks and put your notebooks on your igoogle page.

  2. I love your slideshow. I was just looking at the sky this morning and spent a couple of minutes reflecting on how beautiful it was. You brought the beauty to me - day or night.
